Terms & Conditions |Terminos y condiciones
– Our service runs subject to weather conditions or Nautical Authorities demands.
– Minimal luggage capacity per person in the boat limited to 8 kg carry-on bags. Tranq it Easy offers a storage service at our office (previously arranged).
– If you are coming in a condition which can be dangerous for the regular trip development, we reserve the right of admission.
Cancellation Policies
– 100% of payment refunded up to 72 hours prior to date of reservation. Within 72 hours of the reservation the payment can not be refunded.
– No show, the booking will be confirm until 8:50 am after that the booking will be taken it as No Show and will be cancelled.
– Se prohíbe que los Pasajeros lleven a bordo artículos que puedan utilizarse como armas, explosivos, o mercancías ilegales o peligrosas.
– Por seguridad, el Pasajero acepta que los agentes del Transportista le registren
su equipaje y a cualquier bien que lleve consigo
– El Pasajero garantiza que goza de buena salud para viajar y que su conducta o estado no afectará a la seguridad de la embarcación ni causará molestias al resto de los Pasajeros
– Los Pasajeros en un estado susceptible de salud deberán presentar un certificado médico antes de la salida.
– El Transportista no responderá por la pérdida o daños de cualquier objeto de valor, su custodia y porte será exclusivamente del pasajero.
– La empresa transportista no es responsable por daños o perjuicios causados a los pasajeros, sus equipajes u objetos personales, cuando son generados por fuerza mayor o caso fortuito, o por culpa de la víctima o de un tercero.
– No se permite el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas o sicotrópicas dentro del bote. El Transportista y/o su staff podrán confiscar el alcohol subido a bordo por los pasajeros
– Si no se notifica al transportista sobre el embarazo, se eximirá al mismo de cualquier responsabilidad para la pasajera embarazada.
– Por razones de salud y seguridad, el transportista no puede llevar pasajeras en estado de
embarazo. El Transportista se reserva el derecho de rechazar el pasaje en cualquier etapa del embarazo
– Passengers are prohibited from carrying items that may be used as weapons, explosives, or illegal or dangerous goods.
– For security reasons, the Passenger agrees that the Carrier’s agents register him / her, their luggage and any goods they carry with them.
– The Passenger guarantees that it is in good health to travel and that its conduct or state will not affect the safety of the Cruise Ship nor cause discomfort to the rest of the Passengers.
– Passengers in a state likely to affect their ability to travel must present a medical certificate prior to departure.
– The Carrier shall not be liable for loss or damage to any item of value such as amounts of money, negotiable securities, precious metals, jewelry, art, cameras, computers, electronic equipment or any other valuables, and their custody, postage or handling Shall be exclusively the passenger.
– The carrier is not liable for damages caused to passengers, their luggage or personal belongings, when they are generated by force majeure or by chance, or because of the victim or a third party.
– Consumption of alcoholic or psychotropic drinks are not allowed inside the boat. The Carrier and / or its employees and / or their agents may conscate alcohol boarded by passengers.
– Failure to notify the Carrier and the Ship’s Physician of the pregnancy shall exempt the Carrier from any liability to the pregnant passenger.
– For reasons of health and safety, the Carrier can not transport pregnant passengers. The Carrier reserves the right to refuse passage at any stage of pregnancy.